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Investor Safety When Meeting Strangers: 12 Tips

It’s unfortunate, but as a real estate professional you put yourself at risk when you meet someone for the first time. That’s why you should always meet a new customer at the office, not at the property. It’s also why you should let someone in your office know where you’re going, with whom, and when you plan to return.
These are basic safety tips and there are plenty of resources for you to become your own best safety advocate at REALTOR.org/safety. You’ll find pages of resources, including safety apps you can add to your phone. Did you know there is also GPS-enabled jewelry? This is a discrete way for you to let someone know exactly where you are without you having to make a call. If you find yourself in a threatening situation, it could make a difference in the outcome.
For 2015, NAR President Chris Polychron has made safety a priority. Look for more on safety in the months ahead. And, iof course, every September is REALTOR® Safety Month.
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